<%ss=""%> 精彩成果展 - 發現•我的秘密基地

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作品名稱: 發現•我的秘密基地
藝術家: 江海泙, 是海意念設計公司
年份: 2009
材質: 陶板
尺寸(公分): 600(寬)x180(長)x1(高)
作品說明: 藉由學童的生活環境經驗與記憶,融合環境生態教育、校園集體創作的成果,使在地人、事、物的認同能夠重新被關懷,甚至產生新的且具有溫度的環境關懷議題,扶老攜幼共同攜手重新發現、認識、詮釋每天與他們生活在一起的秘密基地,種下屬於在地人們的藝術生活種子與符號-「發現我的秘密基地」
管理維護單位: 新北市淡水區中泰國小
Title: Discovering my secret base.
Artist: Hai-ping, Chiang, Seeyes Concept Design Group.
Year: 2009
Materials: Ceramic Panel
Dimensions(cm): 600(w)x180(l)x1(h)
Description: Based on the school children’s living experience and memory, the collective creative project wishes to integrate ecological education, and thus re-create a sense of recognition to the people, things and happenings of local community.  Through the creative experience, people in the community can re-discover and re-interpret the surroundings of their daily lives, and plant the seed of art in the lives.
Maintenance: Jhong-Tai Elementary School, Danshuei, Taipei County.

